a pinhole sky explodes out

By blazar

Merry Christmas from White Castle.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. It's been a busy week with finals, packing, and everything else I had to take care of at the end of this past semester. It ended pretty well, I suppose.. but I sacrificed blip for a few days to make sure I didn't over-stress myself. I kind of regret it, but there's not much I can do about it now.

My friends and I went to white castle tonight and experienced the worst service ever. Some people who were waiting at the drive-thru had been there for 45 minutes waiting on their food. One woman waited 20 minutes for a medium iced tea; in the end, it took 45 minutes for me to get my food. In the words of a super-sized man in line in front of me who was upset about the wait, "Fast Food my ass." As you can see, the christmas decorations weren't exactly exceptional, either.

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