
By dark

The Nonconformist

Dear Vincent,

Let me express my extreme displeasure at your performance yesterday. Your fans came to see some sunflowers, maybe a few stars - but what did you give them? More of these so-called "lights" you've been going on about for weeks now. I don't care what Tesla says, these things are only a fad, and as such are not a suitable subject for serious art.

Please reconsider your position on this - I cannot in good conscience support you in this self-destructive behaviour. If you insist on continuing in this self-proclaimed "electric" period of yours, I will, regretfully, have no other choice but to resign, leaving you to find representation at some other agency. Which won't be easy. Believe me. After that ear thing last year, no one else is going to touch you with a ten foot maypole.

I eagerly await your reply.

Respectfully yours,

J. McGuire, Esq.

P.S. - A Mr. Dylan has expressed an interest in meeting with you next week, if your schedule allows. Please advise.


Diamond * Spiral * Puffyclouds

...and my Christmas Eve is finally up.


Edit - Hmmmm... okay - sorry. I guess I wasn't very clear with this one, and there seems to be some confusion. It's an imagined correspondence between van Gogh and his "agent" over his sudden decision to go electric. The original photo was too noisy for my taste, so I played around in PS, and ended up with something that reminded me a bit of van Gogh's work. Looking at it now, mine's not really swirly enough, but that was the thought process, anyway.

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