Day Of The Diva

By Katherineellis

Boxing Kangaroo pens

I'm back baby!
Well i have had an AMAZING time in OZ!
If you're interested in seeing what I got up to Down Under check my Facebook page!
I got very emotional on the 14 hour flight from Singapore, overwhelmed by how well all the shows went, sleep deprived, excited about seeing Max and the boys, never wanting my life to end as i love it so much etc.... and they upgraded me to CLUB! So i had a good old cry in the privacy of a posh bed, lovely ;-) They moved me back to eco where i had an exit row for breakfast and a man in Business (which was just in front of me) had a heart attack so we had the the last 30 mins of frantic heart massaging, counting to 30 and electric shocks, very upsetting, i'm guessing he died... paramedics and police swarmed onto the plane, i was the last one off, the cabin crew wanted CDs and Photos of me, cheered them up a bit... all very weird!
back home in time for the school run!
Lovely to be home!
Here are the boys playing with their Boxing Kangaroo pens, brotherly love eh?
(Artistic Director Max Ellis)

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