
By dark


1. It rained today - really rained. Poured down for hours this morning. I had to actually take an umbrella to work. This is significant because we haven't had any rain to amount to anything here for months. All our lakes are pretty much dried up, and everyone has been worrying about the city running out of drinking water in a month or two. This rain should help, although I'm sure it's not nearly enough to make things right.

2. After the rain, the fog rolled in - I couldn't see a thing from my 14th floor office windows. Kind of cool.

3. I got off early, and went to see Sweeney Todd (the movie). It's bloody, and beautiful, and brilliant.

4. Finished the day by taking my newish MacBook to the Apple store. The screen's been flickering on and off, and the color going out, so it had to be sent off for warranty repair. :(

And I have no idea what I'm doing for my 200th blip tomorrow. Maybe I'll just shoot a rock.

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