Planko's Pics

By planko

Come on in

Early start this morning, 2.30am, to drive my niece and her mum to Edinburgh Airport. Not the easiest thing to do when 3 inches of snow has just fallen!
Still, make it there and back in one piece so all good. They are away for 3 weeks of residential treatment down in Bath. I hope it works, as J has missed most of 1st and 2nd year at school because of chronic pain.

After a few more hours in bed, and time spent clearing the path, cars, drive and road of snow, i attempted to get out to do some blipping with the kids, but got stuck a couple of times in the snow, so turned around and headed for the safety of Perth instead.

Wandered along the banks of the Tay and stumbled across these gates, almost inviting us in.

The water level is extreemly low so I'm going to return when its higher and hopefully there is water lapping at the edge of the gates.


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