On My Doorstep

By bwhere

Signs of the Times

You can tell I'm still ill - I'm reading fiction!

A friend sent me this copy of The Rotters' Club by Jonathan Coe because it's set in Birmingham where I grew up. I'm enjoying it in between the cough sweets and Paracetamol.

As it is centred around the motor works at Longbridge I have juxtaposed the book with my late brother-in-law's Works Pass from 1941. It was called The Austin Motor Company then. Indeed, like many others, I continued to call it "the Austin" even after the name was officially changed.

I've kept the Works Pass because it is iconic, in my eyes. The Motor Works were important in so many people's lives for so many years in Birmingham.

So, here's to the memory of my brother-in-law and Austin!

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