
By ausmossie

Straight From the Floor

I had a little trouble deciding which pic to blip for today. (Well.. yesterday now). I went to a small restuarant and there were a couple of different things that I tooks pics of. At the next table they had fish fillets on sticks hanging from a frame. They looked sooooooo cool. And just a pic of the meal I had.. It was an awesome spicey dish.

But.. this one (even though it doesn't look as good) won. I like the story behind it better.

This was a seafood restaurant and as will happen in a place like that, LOTS of people ordered fish. When someone ordered a fish.. The waitress (fuwuyuan) screamed out to the 'fish' guy who went to the big tank and dragged out a nice live fresh fish by hand. He then threw it on the scales.. Screamed out the weight to an unseen guy who must have kept the records of such things and then...

Picked it out of the bucket on the scales and slammed it on to the floor (I suppose to stun or kill it) where it stayed for up to 5 minutes till the cooks were ready for it.

It was a popular restautant. I witnessed this about 20 times while I was there. I just can't imagine anywhere else that would allow such a thing on Health grounds. Only in China....

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