jeni and the beans

By themessymama


This is all you're getting today. Well, yesterday. Spectacularly uninspiring. But my goodness I didn't realise getting a macro shot of something would be so difficult! I feel a need to practise some more. Another day, perhaps.

Steve's been off work today with major tummy ache (different pain than he had before Christmas), I've had tummy ache, Ben's had preschool and I've done tax return and medical exemption admin boringness which involved telephoning what seemed like a hundred different people but was probably only in fact about 5. Shopping done, forms filled in, toast eaten. Ben clingy. Unsurprising given the past few days, I guess his confidence and security have been shaken a little. He'll bounce back I'm sure, it's just hard work in the meantime.

Eventually Ben went to bed and then took TWO HOURS to settle. Sometimes it takes a matter of minutes, sometimes it takes a couple of hours... Usually when I really could do with most of those hours to do something else, like get some cakes made ready for tots tomorrow. And it's been one of those days where eating properly has kind of taken a back seat, and so I found myself at half past midnight collapsed on the sofa with Ben (who had woken up AGAIN) desperately needing sugar because I'd been saying I'll sit down in a minute, I'll just get (this that the other) done and then I can sit down with a cup of tea and one of the chocolate friands that I'd just made.

So apart from this seeing if I could get anything half decent macro-wise, you could have had Ben eating breakfast but that was pretty boring too.

Dull day, dull blip.


I'll go to bed now. (After I've done something with the icing that's ready to go on the cakes.)

It's a new day in the morning, the sun WILL shine (and make the puddles from the current downpour look beautiful and sparkly) and I WILL have a good day.

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