jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Biker boy

Well would you believe it - the sun shone today!! I told you it would didn't I :D

So, after tots we headed out into the back garden.

I cleared up so much cat and/or fox poo while Ben was jumping on his trampoline and keeping out of the way. I am incredulous at the amount of poo there was. I'm sure there wasn't that much poo last spring. It's just horrible. (I have been told that eucalyptus, lemons, orange peel, tea tree oil, and pepper are all good things to keep the poo makers away, so I will be employing ALL of those methods over the next few days to see whether the situation improves.) I want to be able to open the door and let Ben out into the garden without having to play crouching tiger hidden catpoo first.

Anyway. We had a good time playing in the garden, one of the culprits came and said hello which delighted Ben until it jumped up onto the wall. Ben spent a few minutes ordering it back down again. Which it did, eventually, the other side of the wall.

I was up until nearly 1am last night icing cakes! Worth it though. They were yummy. I came home with only about 6 cakes and 2 biscuits out of the 20 or so of each that I took with me to tots this morning.

And speaking of cakes, I think the reason that I didn't think much of the raspberry from yesterday (thankyou for all the incredibly kind comments on it!!) was simply because it had no significance to me. It was simply an exercise in taking macro shots. There was no emotion attached to it, no feeling, no point to it. So as the macro lens was still on the camera (took me a while this afternoon to figure out which bit of the lens was the adaptor and which bit was my 50mm that ought to stay put) (I only take the pictures. I don't actually understand....) I took a couple of macro shots of some things slightly closer to my heart than a raspberry. Cakes and biscuits :) Interesting as they may be, I don't think they worked as well as the raspberry!! Never mind. Lots to learn on that one.

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