Me and Max

By grete

Self Portrait

...all photographs are selfportraits.
- Minor White

Today was an all white day. Snow covered the ground, fog thickened the air. And who else should inspire me but, yes, Minor White!

The pun is unintended, you´ve got to believe me. I have rewritten the first paragraph so as not to seem utterly stupid. The white/White theme escaped me even as I wrote the words. It was only on second reading that some gentle little writing elf knocked me on the head. Hard.

But then, how appropriate. For White was the photographer who claimed you should wait for the motif to find you rather than the other way around. So Mr. W, today you definitely found me, on the whitest day of the year.

Out I went, then, hunting for whatever was hunting me.
And this was what found me.
A man´s head in stone.

Looking around the net for an appropriate White quote, this was what found me. I´ve got to put it that way. For I am not quite sure I would really really want to call this a self portrait. But, I´m willing to try.

Okay - if this is a self portrait, I leave the following options open:

1) I am a dreamer, looking up at the sky, wondering what´s out there, what´s up there.
2) Sorry, this is cheating. If you take one step back, you´ll notice that the man is on the bottom of a pile of other people. This means he is downtrodden, rather that a free soul.
3) BUT. A figure is walking away from the scene, indicating the theme downtrodden or squashed or squeezed or invaded is a thing of the past.

Come to think of it, this picture is also what found me today. If you really want to know.....

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