jeni and the beans

By themessymama

My turn

My turn to be poorly today.

On the plus side, Ben hasn't wrecked the house while I have been in bed or collapsed on the sofa. Steve was so impressed with this that he got the plane down that we bought at the airshow last year, because he felt that Ben was now old enough to not just wreck it or anything else with it. Or at least old enough to teach not to abuse it. Oh WOOOWWW said Ben :) Apparently red fighter planes go beep beep. And brum brum. And Wheeeee!!

Thankyou for all the positive comments yesterday!

Today has been slow and painful. After Ben and then Steve being poorly, today it was my turn. The tummy ache I've had for three days stepped up a gear today. I don't feel sick, and my bowels are fine: I just have a constant tummy ache which is wearing me down a bit.

We watched The Gruffalo three times back to back today. Three times. And every time Ben watched it all the way through. The last time he lay on the floor (I'd just changed his nappy, he was content to just lie there afterwards) and did a running commentary for me.

After our nap (which Ben slept through, and I didn't because I kept replying to Steve's texts) Ben decided he wanted his juice which was downstairs. I had to unlock the gate for him, but he went downstairs by himself to find his juice. I went back to bed: I decided that if I heard much clattering of things falling down, or the "uh-oh" that accompanies an "issue", I would get up. But otherwise, leave him to it and Steve can deal with it later.

Half an hour later (half an hour of uninterrupted dozing!! Happy) Ben came back up with his toy story biscuit tin (and a stinky nappy) asking for biscuits. Half an hour playing by himself, not wrecking the house, happy in the knowledge that I was just upstairs. That's pretty good. I'm sure it would have been longer if he'd not poo'd.

A painful rest of the afternoon spent lying on the sofa with Ben pestering me for everything. Steve came home as I'd given up and fallen asleep, I can't remember what I left Ben doing but finally he left me alone...

And then Steve got the plane down and Ben was SO happy :D Now I'm having a break while they eat dinner. The plane is sitting at the table with them.

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