Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Sea urchin

Nursie Jenn playing with the boys this morning after hours, Santa Monica farmer's market, tasty apples, Reuben walking along with a piece of orange which he wouldn't let go of, his first trip out for a week, stroll along the bluffs, carousel on the pier, Reuben screeching with excitement, Reuben carried on Jason's shoulders, Callum on mine, the boys holding hands and filling the space above, PF Changs for a lunch feast, Callum bites his tongue but it doesn't have much effect on his spicy chicken eating capabilities, Reuben sips juice from a straw for the first time and I wonder how he feels having a quenched mouth as he doesn't drink, mama falls asleep in the car on the way home and again when she gets home, all too full for dinner, splashy bath, Callum swims, stories and lots of signing before bedtime, Callum amazes me because all the while he's been pretending he's not interested in sign and as I sign several signs to him unspoken - team, coach, basketball, sports, baseball, soccer, football - he says the words back to me so that I'm left thinking the sneaky boy's been learning all along, house in bed for 8pm, storytime ended with The Giving Tree which had me crying and struggling to get the words out with the boys, I stayed up with some champagne watching Shutter Island and bitterly regretted it for how it later badly disturbs me through the night. But a pretty good day, hey?

Think this would look pretty as a bathroom print.

PS In thinking about nudity, I went back to this which I just love.

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