Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

The Last Day.....

.....of being able to truthfully say (though thats not sayI wont sometimes "forget") that I am in my forties :) Tomorrow dawns with the big 50. Not actually sure how that happened. It seems only a short while since I was just turning thirty, so I guess this past decade has just whizzed by! Apparently that happens as you get older. What I do know is that I have ended the decade in the company of Mr Lif and in a much happier place :)

So I thought I would post a SP to mark the occassion. It will help me when I hit 60 to be able to look back and see what difference the next 10 years make :) I expect by that time to be in a twin set with pearls and a blue rinse! Highly unlikely!

In other news - the overbooking situation failed to transpire, 11 people did not turn up and the result was a pleasant morning for all. Oscar has ventured out to the field again, still a bit wobbly but out nonetheless.

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