
By sandraatje

Island Hopping

Isla flotantes de Uros; At these floathing islands we got an explanation of how they live, whereafter we took a small boat tour and could buy items such as shown in the photo.

Isla mantani, where we were welcomed by the people who lived in "Pueblo". We were going to sleep at the house of the boss of town, his wife Olga, his mother and father, and his 6-year old daughter Melani (sp?) and 4-month old son Juan-Daniel. We had a wonderful really nice lunch. After some rest we went up at the highest point of Lago Titicaca. We wanted to watch the sunset here, but because of the weather plans changed. While watching the lightning (which killed some people at the islas flotantes we later heard), hearing the thunder, but without rain we walked back down again.
After dinner it was time for some festivities. Dressed in traditional clothes, the tourists gathered and danced on life music especially with the little ones such as Melani who made us dance a lot.

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