Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

Visit to an Exhibition

My uncle was here today and we planned to go see the museum. We set out and along the way there was a rally going on, on the Mall Road because of which we turned back. On our way back we immediately spotted the Alhamra Arts Council, where we decided to stop. Luckily, there was an Iranian arts exhibition going on which we looked at. There was another one going on which was in water colour by a Pakistani Artist Dr. F. D. Toor. I have not heard of him before, but I like his work ... intricate details of Mughal Architecture very well captured.

Overall, a very productive day and we had fun. Just came back home a while ago and had lunch. My sister-in-law's family is coming for dinner so now I have to go head to the kitchen.

The image on the right is of the Holy Quran, top left is a random statue mounted in the Council and bottom left is calligraphy of Bismillah hi-rahman ni-rahim; Translation: "In the name of God, most gracious, most merciful" (wikipedia link) calligraphed by an Iranian Artist.

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