2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

Quiz Night!

Whew - thank goodness that is over.....
I set the questions for the school quiz again this year and tonight was the night I've been working towards since the beginning of January. We had 12 teams of staff, governors, parents and work colleagues taking part. It seemed to go well with most teams scoring OK in most rounds and no arguments over the answers. I don't think there was too much cheating going on via mobile phones either!. My husband was doing the scoring and my son and his friend helped to control the slideshow and enter the scores into our spreadsheet. Luckily there was a clear winner as I realized half way through that I'd forgotten to think of a tie-breaker!

I hope everyone enjoyed it - I do enjoy setting the quizzes. With any luck we will have raised a decent amount of money for the school.

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