
By Barking

Our beach ... again

Canterbury got up at some godforsaken hour this morning and I followed him at about 6.30 am. We had a 1st breakfast of a bowl of strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, plums and peaches while I talked to my Ma on the phone. Cousteau then got his doggie breakfast.

Then I took Cousteau for his morning walk around the estate. We went via the vets to book him in for his vaccinations and 'wellness check'. Don't tell him, but it's on Wednesday morning. He loves visiting the vets and I try to take him as often as possible, when we buy flea stuff, etc, just so he gets used to it.

On my way home, I saw some reeds that looked pretty cool and I filed them away in my blip bank.

I got home and weeded the garden (well, part of it, the weeds have kind of taken over. At least the front bit looks all right).

I was feeling weary so I decided to blip the reeds. Bummer, the wind had got up and the beggars wouldn't stay still!

Then lunch.

Next, it was off to get Cousteau some Mighty Mix and us some people food. I noticed that the clouds were looking pretty cool and decided to take Cousteau down to the beach before the rain came in and so that I could take some photos.

We're now at home (obviously) and I am fading fast - darn that jetlag! It's just gone 5 pm and I'm blipping now so that I can crash early. Mini pitta pizzas for tea and then early to bed.

Thank you for all the lovely comments on yesterday's blip (Cousteau appreciates it too!) and also to those who have looked back at my back blips and commented.



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