Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey


The rain is falling, gently at first and now picking up as I approach the 405 freeway, cars unaccustomed to rain slipping off the greasy tarmac. I spend the morning with Callum on my lap at Reuben's school. He's very peaceful today, snuggling for a sleep which never comes but we are content. When home, I fall asleep snuggled into him on the sofa momentarily til Reuben wakes me up. I had been thinking of 4boys snuggling up to his son in much the same way.

Tonight I get a call from Brit photog friend in LA, Dawn and we chat like girly girls for more than an hour till I'm falling asleep on the phone. She's recounting a story of her romance in snowy UK over Christmas and I'm immediately thinking The Holiday til she drops in that the boy has just bought her that movie. We talk about our shared photog plans on weddings and our plans to work together, to scout some new locations, to head up to Santa Barbara for its amazing light. I receive a great email today from Sunday's client, so complementarily that it surely has been a better day. I go to bed able to sleep and feeling so much refreshed.

This a companion piece to tomorrow's Smash the Valentine Cake. This week is going to be full of pretty pictures of cakes and flowers. I love springtime colours, pinks and yellows lying side by side. My boys better love them too...

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