Love is....part 2

Wondrous shoes!
I finally gave in, after a fellow blipper sent me a link to these shoes a few months back. I have pondered on whether to buy them, and following my re-entry into a 'dark phase' - bordering on goth - I decided to make a purchase.

Having arrived home to find that U.P.S. had attempted to deliver them, I rang the call centre, spoke to a wonderfully helpful chap who told me I could go and collect them this evening, from Eccles.

The less said about Eccles the better, but I found the depot. The depot couldn't find my shoes initially. But a lovely young man persisted and 15 minutes later found the magical parcel.

In the meantime, I had 'tutted' loudly at a very impatient man, who despite the fact that I confirmed that I had indeed rung through to the depot and that someone was on their way, he pushed me out of the way (literally) and dialled the phone again ...

"There's a few people in reception who need attention" he barked, and put the phone down.

There was me. There was him. Mr Rude and impatient.

Home. Photo for posterity's sake and now the wondrous super soft leather with embroidered roses are parked on my feet.

Would it be rude to sleep in them? I love them so!

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