The No

By TheNo

200 not out

Bike, check.
Wall, check.
Lindsay modelling, patiently. In her woollens. Check.

Alas no chairs. I am also happy to let Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude's clue~ and chinless explanation of the Big Society cover the usual embittered politics bit. "Golly... gosh..."

One thought. On these occasions, people usually remark on how amazed they are that they have stuck with Blip so solidly without a break. I cannot echo these sentiments less.

As a feckless procrastinator of some standing, I knew immediately that Blip was the kind of gloriously frivolous pursuit I had always been looking for, and I wasted no time in rearranging my other wastes of time (work, mainly) around it.

Much of that is thanks to all the awesome, supportive, funny, inspiring, equally misguided folks on here. And on that note, a tune that is both ace and appropriate. Geddit? Eh? Oh...

Cheers, Matthew.

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