A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister


A popular subject at the moment, however a few more Hellebores are worth it for their worth according to Nicholas Culpeper.

"It is an herb of Saturn. If any have taken any harm by taking it, the common cure is to take goats milk; if you cannot get it, use cows milk. The roots are very effectual against all melancholy diseases, such as are of long standing, as quartan agues, and madness; it helps the falling sickness, leprosy, yellow and black jaundice, gout, sciatica and convulsions, and this was found out by experience; the root of that which groweth wild in our country, is superior to those which are brought from beyond the sea. The root used as a pessary, provokes the terms exceedingly; also strewed in powder among foul ulcers, consumes the dead flesh, and instantly heals them; nay it will help gangerenes in the beginning. "

He is talking about the white ones so I am cheating a bit! Who knew it had so many uses? I don't know what some of these diseases are but I hope it helped the sufferers.

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