May 2

This crow was looking for peanuts on my deck this morning. I enjoy watching them in the morning when I am sitting by the window checking email, so I will likely continue to put some food out there for them. The crows and bluejays like their treats and the 2 squirrels are just getting spoiled having sunflower seeds available on a daily basis.
Work went well today. The 2 new girls I hired both showed up and both seem to be good workers.
The landlord called me around 12:30 today wondering if I was home or if my roommate was home. Both of us were working. Apparently the furnace guy showed up today. That's when I told him that I found someone to do it last night. He grumbled about it costing him $140. How much extra did it cost me because I had to have the electric fireplace going yesterday and I had to keep the electric heat turned up in the bedrooms all day. Maybe if he learned to keep me updated on the situation it would not have cost him anything. He needs to learn Rule # 1 which is 'Don't piss me off, because you will regret it'

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