Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Mating butterflies

Dog walking delegated.

Dropped oiled hive at the school.

Walked to plot and watered.

Local bees to sort old combs and rip out the wax.

Split a hive that was going to swarm. Queen found and with flying bees. She decided to crawl out and we found her on the landing board. Picked up and quickly strolled into the dark.

Eco mum picked me up and went to her mums. Sorted out her glasses as she has had a cataract op.

Took rubbish away and books for charity.

Bees visited at allotment. Queen in honey box so had to sort , then one of the splits no sign of the Queen. Need to sort out later.

Watered allotment.

Dogs walked with eco mum.

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