twinned with trumpton


Awoke to the most gorgeous of mornings. Sunshine and clear blue blue sky.  An hour of prep and then I was drop bikes at school and then picked up by Johnny for a quick nose about Norf Embra.

We mooched aboot awhile before I went to fetch Tom. To Broughton...his catchment high school ..for orientation type stuff. We biked up and he was happy enough to be left so I went off to look at Gormleys that are being reintroduced to the Water Of Leith. The Stockbridge one is in; the Canonmills one too but it's not yet reached Bonnington. 
Back for Tom; we took advantage of the rare opportunity to do lunch with Dominoes pizza in the park; some fizzy stuff too. 
I dropped Tom back and carried on with the day; and was home for 3. Straight back out for P7 football. It's so much easier with the suspended one still away for another week.

A good session; and off to town to cook her bacon and fennel pasta and discuss affairs of state. (Utility provider changeover, summer hols, clothing choices for my bro's 50th lunch)
A steady 40 km sort of a day.

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