Feed Me

I mentioned yesterday that the blackbirds were quite happy to hop in and out of the hedgehog feeding station, grabbing any leftovers they could find.
Things have moved on apace today and now the youngsters are involved. I watched for several minutes as the adult hopped in and out of the feeding station, each time bringing out bits that were eagerly snatched by the youngster. Bit tricky trying to get a photo as it was through glass and at maximum zoom, so apologies for the poor quality.
Managed to get to the gym this morning and also shifted the microwave we’d brought back from the flat on Thursday, so fitter in both body and wallet!
This evening I’ve got a gig with the band and we’re venturing into pastures new and heading down to Garstang. Not quite as random as it sounds as the landlord of the place we’re going to used to be the landlord of a pub in Barrow where we’d played several times. It’s a bit of a hike for most of the band to get there - 60 miles and 90 minutes each way - but no real difference for me coming from Kendal.
Hopefully it will be a good night and might even lead to more gigs in the Lancaster area.

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