
By amandoAlentejo

Faked Foto

Totally fake photo of Mike pretending to write in my journal, as an illustration for an article I finished writing today on processing life and emotions through journaling - of course I included Blipping as one way of doing it.

Washed and aired the bedding, and watched an amusing interaction that I've observed before, of our cats lying under the olive tree that holds up one end of the clothesline, and a cheeky Iberian magpie repeatedly swooping over them and then sitting on a branch and screeching/laughing at them. Today it actually hit Feather's head, swooping in from behind, which really made her jump.

Took photos of that, and beautiful sunshine on one of our old chairs, and yellow dandelions against our yellow linen bedclothes, blowing in the wind - but decided this fake photo actually showed my biggest accomplishment today.

- getting the article done and posted; I've had it, a video and a talk all on different subjects, swirling in my brain; now just the talk, phew
- being productive after a terrible night, where I eventually got up at about 3am and journaled my fears, as per my article; it did actually help, so was writing the article from my heart
- Mike getting loads of irritating bureacratic tasks done, eventually

Just look at this glorious photo of a dandelion!

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