
By MsQuizzical

No Mow Summer Speedwell

Many will be observing #nomowMay, as suggested by Plantlife, starting tomorrow. I decided a while ago not to cut the grass in our garden area as, for a number of reasons, I'm spending more time here and hopefully the long grass will attract more bugs for me to photograph and be generally better for wildlife. It was quite satisfying cutting our series of paths this morning. I won't be cutting my grass at the end of May, it's #nomowsummer for me. I found a patch of thyme-leaved speedwell in an uncut area of the lawn. The flowers are very tiny, only 6mm across. 

I had another go at trying to capture the bloo tits popping in and out of the overflow hole this morning. The light was much better but I didn't get on very well. H+ kept flashing and I couldn't get the camera to shoot quick bursts. I hardly ever try this anyway. Eventually I worked out why. I had swapped the battery that came with the R5 with one from one of my 7Ds. These usually work fine but haven't got the power for bursts of shot. I got the shot in extras of the poor harassed female but it was after lunch and the light was difficult.     

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