litl hikes

By litl

Where do I begin . . . I’ll skip the first few hours and start with leaving home to go shopping.

I went around the back of the car, got in the drivers seat, started the engine, went to clear the debris that had fallen from the nearby silver birch trees onto the windscreen and spotted something on the bonnet. A bank debit card . . . same as mine but not mine. I didn’t recognise the name on it and thought about handing it in at the bank in Kendal. A lady was walking her dogs so I asked if she knew the person and she did. We walked around the corner and I think (hope) I’ve given it to a family member.

Parked in M&S car park. New ticket machines. They only take card payment and you have to put the car registration in. Why can’t they keep it simple?

Too early for the first shop opening so popped to Booths for a coffee. Decided to have a sausage bun instead of my usual toasted teacake. They recently changed the menus and some suppliers. Sausage buns are now served with watercress on the side. Watercress for breakfast!!!! It didn’t even look fresh.

Then a wander around the outdoor market from where I spotted two men looking in a gutter. Blip sorted, though by the time I got my shot they were no longer looking in the gutter.

Finally the shopping. Got what I went for . . . and a bit more as usual.

Skipped lunch and did a bit of gardening then had a short walk in the afternoon drizzle.

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