A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Knee Update

The consumption of medication has recently changed, some I only take once a day others twice and some two tablets four times a day. This cocktail collides at breakfast when I need to take nearly all of them at once.

This morning I returned to hospital to have my wound inspected. I was seen by one of the physiotherapist who dealt with me during my hospital stay. The wound has reacted well, I was surprised at how neat it was. Apart from some dried leftovers from surgery the actual cut has bonded well and if I don’t aggravate it should just leave the thinnest of scars.

My leg on the whole is still very swollen which doesn’t help with the exercises but as the painkillers are working better I have managed to improve the movement over the last couple of days. To assist with getting the swelling down I must continue with the ice, especially to the top of the knee and now use heat along the underside to help stretch the muscles.

Whilst I waited for my neighbour to collect me from my appointment I popped into the hospital chapel to see what stained glass windows they had. I’ve added the main one as part of my collage today. The final image is the sign as you enter the chapel. Needless to say it is ignored as there were at least 5 wheelchairs stored in the entrance!

I’d like to thank everyone who have wished me well and for the TKR veterans who have shared their stories and advice. It is very much appreciated.

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