
By soozsnapz

Another nostalgia blip

Without any photographic merit. The decorator is here, and will be doing the gloss upstairs next. This is my son’s former bedroom door: stickers which he put on when he was about 13, and an avid reader of Kerrang magazine. 
Had it been me, my mum would have said “no you can’t stick them on your door, it’ll mess up the paint” which is precisely why I allowed it. To get them off, I had to peel off the thin printed layer with my finger nails, then wet the remaining paper and scrape off with a kitchen spatula.  Then the third stage was using “sticky stuff remover” and cotton wool to gradually clean away the old adhesive. It took hours! As L said, when I messaged him about it ‘we should have foreseen the pain it would cause 17 years later!’ :-))
I did feel bad ripping up Kurt Cobain though. To me he was one of the best musicians in my lifetime - to create a whole new sound and musical expression, which really spoke to me. Another one, along with Amy and so many others, who died at 27.

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