Baby Monochrome, Part Deux

Baby monochrome number two (otherwise known as Logan), born this morning at 7:24am weighing 7lbs 8oz.

After making a prediction that the baby would arrive on its due date (the 20th), I was slightly surprised to be woken up at 1am yesterday morning to be informed that mrs monochrome's waters had broken. Despite the lack of definite contractions, we arrived at the hospital at 2am to be assessed, and were subsequently told to go back home at 5am, with the proviso that if anything happened we were to phone the hospital, or indeed if nothing happened, we were to arrange another assessment the folling evening.

An uneventful day of trying to catch up on sleep resulted in nothing bar a few mild contractions, so we phoned the Triage department to arrange another assessment and arrived at the hospital at 8pm. Without any contractions or labour like symptoms, there wasn't much point in staying at the hospital, so we were again sent home (at 10.30pm), and booked in to be induced today at 11am.

Mrs monochrome then woke me up at 1.30am this morning in full contraction/labour swing, so we made a hasty journey down to the hospital again. Roughly five and a half hours after arriving at the hospital, our son Logan was born.

Both baby and mrs monochrome doing well. Very proud of mrs m for another amazing delivery & birth which she handled very well.

Now, off to bed to catch up on some zzzs.

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