Shy stranger

Always give a word or sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, or even a stranger, if in a lonely place.


I was out early this morning in search of a heron I saw yesterday when I couldn't stop for a shot. He was gone and I took some rather run of the mill duck and Canadian geese and turtle photos, nothing that interested me much. I was walking around an old boarded up building by the river and heard a familiar 'chip'. There, poking a tiny head out of a colorful opening was a very shy chipmunk. I went back to the car and got some peanuts and seeds from my traveling stash and left the offering and slipped away.

The lawn tractor is being fixed in the driveway, Noah has a cool shop on wheels. Of course it's going to rain tomorrow and I'm pretty busy today. We're going up to our summerhouse(my great grandparents' old place) on the coast of Maine(or actually downeast) on Friday till July 25th!!!!, lots to do to get ready.

Forgotten sign

Day lilies in the breeze

I'm following the much feared demise of my beloved Saab automobile and found this charming 1959 film on the saabsunited site I follow. It's a trip from Sweden to the UK via ferry in Oslo. It's quite a period piece, a very different time when I was just ten. Have a look if you have 17 minutes or so.

1959 travel film

For the Record,
This day came in sunny, quite warm with increasing humidity. Rain in the forecast.

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