Inge's birthday

It is Inge's birthday today. We had a great day with family and friends visiting. We knew her best friend from school, Youri, would be there too. You may remember from my July 20 blip how they have been together since Inge was about six months old. Inge told Martine this morning: I love you most mom, but not today because Youri will be here.

Inge had to wait until after three 'o clock in the afternoon, but then she and Youri were re-united. It's still sad they won't be in the same school anymore after summer vacation, but I think they will visit each other regularly. Today they seemed to be very pleased to play together again as you can see in this picture.

After all the guests had left, it was bedtime for the girls. Then I continued working on the holiday photo album. It's finished now. Tomorrow Martine will proof-read the 82 page album and then it's time to send it off to Blurb. It's the first time I'm ordering an album through them and I'm really anxious to see how it will look. It's past one 'o clock now; I'm pooped and will go to sleep now, hoping I can spend some time tomorrow catching up with some of your blipfoto journals.

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