Robin at large

By Robin

Beauty and the Beast

Is this a prime example of 1960s architecture or an architectural carbuncle?

Aberdeen is relatively free of high rise blocks, though there are a few of them around. One example was built fairly recently unfortunately in the West End of the city. It is a mystery to me how the developer got planning consent.

Just outside Paddington Station in London there is a high rise building which I believe has now been listed, and about which the BBC made a television programme.

The picture shows an older example of a high rise apartment block near the city centre. In its ugliness I suppose this building hides a kind of geometric attractive regularity. If it lasts long enough maybe this building will be listed as well.

So we had a bright sunny day today. It seems the threatened snow never really got to us here. Long may that continue.

I considered B&W for this as it gives the building a more 1960s feel. However opted for colour in the interest of realism.

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