an image of teamdel

By teamdel

to shut the stair gate

This morning Boy started off the new year by falling down the stairs.

I assume all responsibility as it was on my watch. After taking the little ones down for brakfast I then popped back upstairs to give Wife a cup of tea. Whilst there I heard a yell and so ran down to check on them and that were fine. After eating I was indisposed for a minute and mentioned that I could hear Wife upstairs.

So before the tissue had even had its preperationly roll Boy had made a break for it and was through the door that I thought was closed but actually I had left unshut, after racing downstairs to their earlier yell, and then was past the stair gate that I thought was closed but actually I had left unshut, after racing downstairs to their earlier yell.

I then heard another yell, that of Wife as she watched him, half way up the stairs look up, reach, lose his balance and tumble down. After calming him down and checking him over he had only suffered from a bit of a surprise and a bit of a bloody nose. I feel really guilty about the fall but thankfully he has a thick head like his Dad. Hopefully though his head will not be so thick as to let something like this happen in his future. The sticker will hopefully remind me also.

The rest of the day thankfully was not so exciting as me met up with family and friends and braved the supermarket, where Girl spent her time telling me how much she needed the following items:
Octonauts figures
Little Charley Bear toys
Christmas tree decorations
A cuddly father Christmas toy
Another cuddly father Christmas toy with chocolate coins
Buns with Cherries on Top
Fruit Smoothie

Of these we agreed to buy the buns and the smoothie and she got to eat the cherry on top as needed.

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