A time for everything

By turnx3


Today we visited the roman forts at Housesteads and Vindolanda. The picture shows the granaries building. We had a couple of showers come over while we were at Housesteads, but they didnt last long, and then it cleared up into a decent day. We had a very good guide at Housesteads - a retired GP - he gave us a lot of information and was very interesting. After Vindolanda we took Rogers parents back to the B&B, but we went out again, just down the road a way to see the Temple of Mithras. The path went through a field of cows, and the cows were all gathered right on the path and seemed totally oblivious to our presence. Roger got a lovely bit of video of one cow scratching himself against a fence post which was really loose, and he pushed it over and it hit another cow on the head - it was so funny!

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