October 4th Journal


Two Ladies and Akrafjall

Driving by the coast to a small shop a little further out on the peninsula to get the monthly free issue of DVD and movies in Iceland - I saw two ladies walking briskly in the rain. I stopped and asked if I could take a picture of them and they just waved and smiled - and I took it as a YES!
The mountain (fjall) in the background is Akra-fjall (Akrar meaning fields) so it is a mountain of fields, but the name comes from a farm with the same name, Akrar. It's 643 m high and my parents-in-law had a farm on the other side of it. Thousands of years ago it was an island and archaeologists found bones of a big whale 15 m deep at the farm.
My wife grew up there and had many times dug into the mountain seeking treasures but she didn't dig deep enough.

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