will it go round in...

By simonzebu

Raising the steaks

Wandering around Chelsea yesterday was a fairly depressing experience. Every shop in the Kings Road is now either a chain outlet or super-expensive. Any hint of its former bohemian atmosphere has been obliterated as a philosophy of 'flaunt it' has overtaken everything.
The roads are clogged with giant cars driven with an arrogance and disregard for pedestrians that borders on dangerous. In a quiet back street we were amazed to find a house with peeling paintwork. Time was when the opposite was the case.

We tend to think that Notting Hill has become a ghastly preserve of the rich and boring but Chelsea seems to be the preserve of the rich and boorish.

Returning home, we visited our local organic butcher and bought 35-day aged t-bone steaks for our supper. They cost less than two pizzas had the previous night.

The dog is going to love this.

I am told that we had a 'staycation' yesterday. Aargh.

Making up for yesterday. Bench 216

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