The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

Still Life With Mouse

I must like making rods for my own back because before I had finished work on pictures taken last Monday week I went out for the day again on Monday and came back with over two hundred pictures.

On Tuesday I completed the previous Monday's output and wrote up the journal entry (links below), but have yet to begin editing Monday's outing. As I was retiring for the night, with Smokey curled up asleep in his hammock, a mouse suddenly ran into the middle of the room and hid against a chair leg. It was surprisingly easy to lower a handy tumbler over the small, sleek, cowering, timorous beastie and secure him (or her).

Having taken a quick snap I took him outside and released him into the garden. He didn't run away but looked around considering his position, no doubt philosophising on the difficult role of the mouse in a post-industrialist dystopia. There was an unfortunate moment when Smokey, who must have awoken and followed me outside, pounced on the poor creature, but I quickly took him back inside and shut him in, allowing the mouse to melt into the undergrowth.

Is it possible, I wonder, that this could be the same mouse who became the subject of this tale last December?

I know some people unaccountably don't like mice, but I have always been very fond of them and used to keep them as a boy. They used to breed profusely and I would take the babies on the bus to a pet shop in Sutton Coldfield and sell them to the owner, a lady who later founded Hints Zoo nearby, famous for its tea-drinking chimps (it later moved to Twycross in Leicestershire).


Blip #653
Consecutive Blip #074
Day #713

Lens: Pentax 17-70mm

Still Life series

Monday 27 February 2012: A Day In North Devon (Temporary Blip has now been replaced and journal entry written up)(6.5.2012)

A Day In Devon, 27 February 2012 (Flickr set - now complete)

One year ago: Dulcie May

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