Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

Dallying in the Dales

With a forecast promising sunshine and clouds, a day out to see the Spring blooming in the Dales was called for.

From Appletreewick (what a great name for a village) we had a blustery walk that threatened rain, but never delivered.

All around there were signs of Spring. Daffodils blooming as Snowdrops dropped and Crocuses croaked for another year. New lambs stumbled uncertainly and hid behind each other in a confused game of hide and seek that none would ever win.

Birds singing joyfully as they embraced a three dimensional world that us ground dwellers would never really know.

Yes it's great to get out there!

We headed along the Wharfe and onto Parcival Hall (closed...), by Trollers Gill, which is said to be the haunt of a spectral hound with eyes as big as saucers, and back to Appletreewick.

There was a fell run going on at the same time - the Trollers Trot - I don't know if any fellow blippers were on it; maybe Dr Mackem or Earthdreamer; looked like great fun. After an incident that saw me on crutches for weeks though, my own running career was short lived and quite painful! I'll stick to walking I think :o)

Hoping to catch up on journals tonight! I'm a bit behind!

EDIT: Apologies but I've developed a *monstrous* headache - there'll be no catching up for me tonight... hopefully tomorrow!

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