This is number 10 and the buggers are at it again.

I couldn't remember these setts being anything other than a blistering nuisance from the moment the town was discombobulated while they were being laid.

Couldn't, for the life of me' remember how long they'd been down so went a-hunting and found the following...

''Setts to be stripped out in Penrith Friday, 05 February 2010

PART of Penrith town centre will be closed to traffic for an estimated three weeks in March and crossing points changed from blocked paving to tarmac.  ...... the service manager for Capita Symonds at its Skirsgill depot at Penrith, said the setts at the crossing places would be replaced with more "conventional"material and a "less maintenance intensive and smoother surface".
*** ******, Cumbria County Council's area engineer for Eden, said that on the stretch of road to be repaired the setts would be taken up and put back on new foundations."It looks unsightly now and we take some pride in the appearance of the town and want to return it to how it should look," he said.
Mr. ****** said that, by using a new type of stronger mortar, the county council was hoping to avoid previous problems which it faced when the setts were first put down in 1999, when they came loose repeatedly.

and have continued to do so ever since. What the hell did the Romans and Victorians know that the current generations have evidently forgotten?

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