There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Spring's Bounties in My Kitchen Window

My spring yard is just bursting with color. Saturday was rainy and we mostly stayed indoors, but a break from the rain allowed me to bring an armful of the flowers from my yard inside to liven up an otherwise gray and drippy day.

Let me speak the names of some of the flowers from my yard: daffodils, forsythia, azalea, and hyacinth.

Through the window, you can see the deck (lined with rhododendron which is also getting ready to bloom). The deck is the true reason I bought the house; the day I first saw my house, I stood on the deck and knew deep down in my bones that I wanted to have coffee on this deck every morning for the rest of my life.

I was shown the house at noon on a Thursday. By 3 pm the same day, I had a contract in hand. I called my husband that night (he wasn't the husband yet, but a long-time boyfriend, and we still had separate dwellings); I said, "I'm going to buy this house!!!" The next day, the owners accepted my offer, and the house was mine, mine, mine!

Beyond the deck is a small woods which is also mine. As much as any woman can own a woods, that is. Or an individual tree. Or a rabbit or bird that lives within it. I consider them more "mine" in the way that you think of responsibility: I am their keeper, their caretaker, the benign sovereign of this one happy acre.

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