True Blue

It's ok. You can read without living in fear of the fact that I may post a link to the Madonna song of the same name and no no no it is not running around in my head on constant replay. Honestly!!

How nice, just HOW nice is this weather?

Erin still off sick but think she is on the mend now. A few more rounds of calpol and sofa habitation and she seems better.

I had to take another day off work so we got to have some of the sun. She is back at school tommorow though and no mistake!

This afternoon I have been reading a book of poetry called " Poems to help you understand men ( and women). ( Get me : sunshine and poetry. It'll be floppy hats and galoise cigarettes in French cafes next) A brilliant read but in all honesty I am not sure I learnt anything.

It reminds me of a birthday card I once had

" How to please a woman? Love her , die for her, take her to dinner, miss the football for her, be interested in what she has to say.... "

" How to please a man ? Show up naked bring beer .. "

The heat is on

Nearly there folks. Nearly the W word!


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