A time for everything

By turnx3

Along the bike trail

It was quite a cool start to the day, and it was still overcast when we returned home from church. After lunch, Roger talked with his father and sister. When he had called his parents yesterday he discovered that his mother had broken her ankle that afternoon, and was in hospital awaiting surgery today, as it needed pinning. This is so unfortunate, as she's in her 80's and becoming somewhat frail. I'm assuming she will have to be on crutches, and I can't imagine how she's going to get on with that. They're going to bring a bed downstairs to the dining room so she won't have to manage the stairs. So Roger was calling today for an update. She had the surgery first thing, and they had visited about lunchtime, but she was still very groggy from the anaesthetic, so they were going back again this evening. Roger's sister, who's a doctor, said they will keep her in until the physiotherapists give her the OK - probably Tuesday she imagines. Later in the afternoon we went cycling on the Little Miami trail. The forecast had called for the possibility of showers and thunderstorms in the late afternoon/early evening, but fortunately they held off, and we had a lovely sunny bike ride in very peasant temperatures. The storms didnt come through until a short time ago - late at night.

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