The life of Manuel

By MBijen


Day 118,

A busy day at work once again, but hey the backlog is slowly disappearing!

After work it was time to go to Jong Nederland.
We had an excursion to the boarding for animals. And I simply fell in love with Flynn I guess we can say she is a real friend. Sadly I wasnt allowed to take her home, because she already had an owner haha.

After the excursion the kids went home again, and I decided to take some more photo's at night.
A friend of mine found an tripod in his house, but it wouldnt fit to my camera. So he made it fit! :D Thanks!
While taking the photo the police came by, and of course they wanted to know what I was doing on the street so late.. They didn't quiet understand why I would take a photo there, but they left quickly. Let's try some more long shutter photo's the following week.

Ps.. The 5DmkIII Rocks!

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