Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Happy Australia Day Blippers

I saw a sign on Facebook which said Australia Day had been cancelled because of the Pommie weather.  It has been raining, drizzling and misting most of today. 

There were a number of activities on today which have been cancelled.  The harbour swim because of Bruce and Bruce Jnr being around. There were supposed to be markets on but they were no where to be seen, the guns at Fort Scratchley have been fired at 11, 1 and 3.  All beaches are closed because of rough seas but the ducks for dollars race (8,000 rubber ducks let loose in a corral at Queens Wharf with the first three bringing cash prizes and money going to the surf Life Savers) was on and I went to have a look.  Not many people there because of the weather but there were quite a few dressed like this man.  Shame on me I forgot to ask his name.  He said that his flag was unique (not sure why) and that he normally had his grandfathers war medals on it (including the VC - now that's impressive if true).  The Holden T-shirt is very Australian and all he needed was a meat pie, kangaroo and a football match to be going on.  I used selective colouring because the man on the left had a bright yellow jacket on which was too distracting.

As I type this, the sounds of parties in the neighbourhood are reverberating.  At least that is typical of Australia day.  In all other aspects with the beaches closed and miserable weather it's been very un Australian.  May I say I am not sure what that knighthood to Prince P is all about.  Honestly...

Anyhoo, thanks for sticking by me over the last few days with the internet problems.  I am posting this now in case the line goes again.  I have narrowed it down to the line at least.

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