An Endless Silver Ribbon of Light

We had a couple of beautiful warm days there that gave us hope that spring might be coming. But then it turned cold again, of course, as it is March, and March is all about the shocking about-faces in the weather and uppy-downies in the temperatures. One day, it's like spring. The next day, it's more like winter.

It was chilly on this morning: cold and clear and sunny, with blue skies. When I got to Millbrook, everything was frosted. There were silver zippers of frost between each pair of boards on the boardwalk; frost shining at the edges, frost all over, frost sparkling in between. And the boardwalk stretched before me like an endless silver ribbon of light into the morning sun. 

I have seen so many lovely golden and silver sights at Millbrook that I'm going to let this be my song for this image: Linda Ronstadt, with Silver Threads and Golden Needles.

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