The phenomena of appreciation

Ro'n i'n lwcus cwrdd â Sam Hefford, gyda Beth Worrall a Joanna Woodward yn ystod yr eclips.  Ro'n i wedi gweld Sam gyda cholandr a llawer o luniau eclips ar blât papur.  Cynigon nhw i mi plât papur hefyd, a ro'n ni'n gallu rhannu'n gwerthfawrogiad yr eclips.  Gwerthfawrogais i hefyd ymdeimlad y cyfeillgarwch ymysg dieithriaid sy'n dod pan bobl yn cwrdd i ddathlu ffenomenau naturiol.

I was lucky to meet Sam Hefford, with Beth Worrall and Joanna Woodward during the eclipse. I had seen Sam with a colander and a lot of eclipse images a paper plate. They offered me a paper plate also and we were able to share an share appreciation are the eclipse. I appreciated also the sense of friendliness among strangers who come when people meet to celebrate natural phenomena.

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