For one day only

Af i yn ôl i'r gwaith am un diwrnod cyn y penwythnos.  Cerddais i o gwmpas Gerddi Alexandra i weld y blodau. Ers aethon ni i ffwrdd mae'r blodau wedi ymddangos ar y coed.  Yn y noswaith aethon ni i'r Canolfan y Mileniwm i weld perfformiad o 'Cirkopolis' gan Cirque Eloize.  Roedden nhw ardderchog.

I went back to work for one day before the weekend. I walked around Alexandra Gardens to see the flowers. Since we went away the blossoms have appeared on the trees. In the evening we went to the Millennium Centre to see a performance of 'Cirkopolis' by Cirque Eloize. They were excellent.

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