Boots, Beer, Brushes and Baptists

My cousin Julia, who lives in the Southend area in Essex, called out of the blue today to say she was not far from my home in Chesham, Bucks.  She'd driven one of her best friends up to Harefield Hospital where her friend's husband is recovering from a recent heart attack, and had time to pop over and see me now I'm a lady of leisure.  Half an hour later, Julia knocked at my door and we went down into the town for a wander around and a cup of coffee.  I was keen to show my cousin the fantastic yarn-bombing in Market Square created by the Chesham Guerilla Knitters, one of whom is a friend of mine.  I can't tell you who she is, though, as I'm sworn to secrecy...

The latest knitted decorations to hit the Square overnight are on the theme of "Boots, Beer, Brushes and Baptists" - the Four B's for which Chesham is known, and the first three of which used to be manufactured here.  Sadly, the last remaining boot factory shut down a few years ago, there are no longer any breweries here, and only one brush manufacturer is still in business.  The Baptist Church, however, does still open its doors to worshippers.  Brushes and boots are represented in knitted form in my blipfoto, and in a nearby tree hang many beer bottles with yarn covers.  Maybe I missed it, but I didn't spot anything for the Baptists, though.  There are also knitted seat covers and bunting liberally spread around the Square - a cheerful splash of colour to brighten up our town.

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